Paula's Massage Therapy
1 Walpole St, Norwood, MA 02062
Prenatal Services
Working with pregnant women has become my specialty and passion. I had a difficult pregnancy myself and had trouble finding a massage therapist who actually specialized in pregnancy related issues. I didn't want to go to someone who just "could do it", but somebody who had proper training and who could really help me. Because of this, I decided to make it my specialty! I became certified through an extensive course and worked for Edamame - The Maternity Spa in Natick for 3 years treating mainly pregnant and post pregnant clients, though many clients continued to see me well after the "post pregnancy" stage.

The Prenatal Massage
Each massage focuses on giving the mom-to-be the special attention she needs, which in turn helps her to nurture the new life growing within her. Massage helps to alleviate symptoms common in pregnancy: reduce stress, decrease swelling in the arms and legs, and relieve aches and pains in muscles and joints. A massage during pregnancy promotes overall well-being and can enhance energy.

The "Prego Pillow" System
The "Prego Pillow" system allows you to lie face down like a regular massage! Your shoulders and hips are supported higher up allowing space for your belly and breasts to rest comfortably in the formed cushion.
When posistioned on your back, the massage table adjusts to a semi-reclined position including leg elevation. You will want to stay all day!

Smooth Exfoliation
Get your glow on!!
Safe during pregnancy as no heat wrapping is used!
This full body 60 minute treatment utilizing a gentle pumice scrub will leave your skin silky smooth. Hot towels remove excess scrub before a luxurious moisturizer is applied to hydrate your skin. for more information on this treatment see the "Spa Treatments" page.

The Side-Lying System
This system is made of memory foam and comforts and cradles your body to make you extremely comfortable on your side. You will be positioned on your left side and right side on this system.
When posistioned on your back, the massage table adjusts to a semi-reclined position including leg elevation. You will want to stay all day!